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Stevie Mckie @ Origin – The Nest Conference 2019

Stevie Mckie @ Origin – The Nest Conference 2019


n this series of 3 messages spoken at Origin – The Nest Conference 2019, Stephen shares from Scripture and from his heart about something that is rarely preached these days – the other side of God you might call it.  God is love, He is good and merciful and slow to anger.  But at the same time He does bring discipline and judgement when He sees fit.


This might not be a popular message but Stephen felt the need and urgency to bring these messages because of the rise of many false doctrines and teachings that are sweeping the body of Christ worldwide.  If we’re going to experience the greatest move of God we have ever seen then it is essential that we are grounded in truth and rediscover again in our day that the Word must be our plumbline.


Session 1 – The Other Side of God

Session 2 – The Crucified Life

Session 3 – The Old Breed

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