Exciting News – Ablaze Fortnightly Gathering
If you read my last blog entitled, ‘Coming Out of The Cave’, you would have read that God has spoken to myself and Emma very clearly about coming out of the cave into a new season.  I have been asking the Lord for a while about the next steps for us.  Well, God has spoken very clearly to us and we are excited to share it with you now that the time is right.  Through a prophetic word that was very specific to many situations in our lives God spoke about stepping out and holding meetings again where the hungry can gather. Â
If I am really honest, I have been very hesitant to start meetings or start any public ministry events.  I have done many events and gatherings in the past and know how challenging and costly it can be.  Many of the meetings/gatherings we hosted were actually blessed and many people were touched by God but I have to admit I wasn’t satisfied personally. I know God wants to do something very powerful in this land so anything less than that was never going to satisfy my hungry heart.
 So here we were, waiting on God and asking Him about the future and He said, it’s time to go again!  It is time to step out in faith and believe God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that has been promised to you and many others.  It is time to throw the nets over the other side of the boat.  It might be the same boat, the same nets and the same people but the difference is the season has changed. Â
So the heart of the matter is this, we are going to start fortnightly meetings in our home town of Irvine starting in January.  These meetings are all about pursuing the God of revival through worship, the Word and Prayer.  I can honestly say these meetings aren’t just a good idea but inspired by God Himself who spoke very clearly.
In no way do I want to hype up anything or exaggerate in any way but all I can say is there is something burning in my heart that is fresh, new and exciting. God is calling a people to pursue Him again for our nations sake. Â Our generation depends on it. Â
So If you are hungry for a move of God then please join us.  If you can’t join us in person then please pray for us.  A move of God in our nation is so necessary.  We are born for this, let’s believe together.

Stevie Mckie